Return Policy

Every item that we sell meets our highest standards for quality. Please note that there are no returns or exchanges for custom decorated merchandise unless the item is damaged or incorrect items are received and reported to Customer Care within 15 days of receipt. Returns cannot be made in exchange for another type of item. To report a damaged or incorrectly shipped item, please retain your original packaging and contact the Power Pioneers Online Store via Martket Branding at (877) 905-3652, or email Send Mail. This must be done within 15 days of receipt.


Once your return has been approved, write on the original packing list what you are returning and whether you would like to be credited or have an exchange. If you do not have the packing list, please write the above information on a blank piece of paper and include your name, the person's name that placed the order and your address. Return the package to:

Martket Branding Inc.
123-2323 Boundary Road
Vancouver, BC V5M 4V8 Canada